I am not such a wako! open the Aria player on the right side there is a button settings press that button. "There is a world of difference between a person who has a big problem and a person who makes a problem big." – John Maxwell "Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about !" I hope this helps you get the sounds installed where you can use them. The ARIA player will now have the Free Sounds Vol1 interfaced with it as shown in the below image. Then run Finale and open the ARIA player, or you could run the standalone version of ARIA player. It will install the "Free Sounds Vol1" in the proper place. After the download finishes, run the file. The file you download is "WIN_ARIA_Engine_Free_Sounds_Vol1.exe". This has all been said in so many words before, but here it is once again: Retina Macbook Pro OSX 10.9.5, 2.5GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM There are some free sounds provided by Plogue (who developed the Arai player). The link takes you to the Makemusic/Garritan page where all Garritan products are available for purchase. There is a button on the Aria player that says "get more sounds". PS You still have not told us what MakeMusic product and version you are using. And I did not have to move any files around like you did or open zip files-the installation program took care of all that. This works the same way for all Garritan libraries. If I open it, I can select any of the new free instruments. I opened Finale, loaded a blank staff, then went to the Arai player where I saw the new entry in the list of libraries.

I selected "run." The files were installed. When the download finished Windows asked if I wanted to save or run the file.

What I did: click on the download button. I followed the instructions on the web page where you download the files from and it worked smoothly. Where on the Aria engine do you see this button? The only one I see is under Settings and directs you to buy more product.įinale 2014-5, GPO 4, JABB 3, Garritan Steinway Basic, Garritan World Instruments I'm using a I7 computer windows 10 with finale 2014.5. I don't know what these sounds are, it's free I thought why not. But these I didn't see nothing to show me what I need to do. it was a hassle you need to download a zip then some files paste them here,other's there.

Now to be honest even with the bought sounds as GPO4 etc. On the Aria engine there is a button that you could download free sound patches. GPO4, JaBB3, GIO, COMB2, GWI, GIFF, Steinway Basic. If that's what the post means, then the instructions for using them are included on that page. What MakeMusic product ad version are you .what "free patches?"